
Angin Kecil

Faliq Ayken

Di balik nafasmu,
kudengar suara tersengal-sengal
Angin mulutku masuk ke mulutmu,
nafas kita bersatu, disatukan air liur kehidupan

Matamu terbuka,
Pelan-pelan kaulihat bibirmu di bibirku
Tarikan nafas kita tak beraturan
kadang pendek, kadang panjang

Tiba-tiba matamu mataku tertutup
tak lihat apapun, kecuali merasakan
angin-angin kecil yang keluar
dari pernafasan kita

Dada berdegup kencang,
mulut berteriak panjang

Pondok Petir,
Sabtu, 3 Mei 2014


Three Windows

Faliq Ayken

The quiet of time, I opened the bedroom slowly
There's the voices inside sound wispering
I took the body and entered my curiosity
My eyes stopped at the three windows

The first window opened, go inside
Large room full of great signs
Being room: physics metaphysics

The second window opened slowly
I saw it with the sight of questions
The room is so spacious, many pitfalls
As a tool of thought, I prepared so as not absurdities
Knowledge room: empirical rational

The third window opened with the values
The place to learn how to behave
The place to learn how to socialize
Borders of all existing knowledge
Values room: ethic aesthetic

I closed the bedroom door quietly
I settled it in, with the three windows

Ciputat, April 3, 2014

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